Preventing Crime on Public Transportation

Criminals are always on the lookout for easy targets. While public transportation is a convenient way to travel, it also puts one at risk of becoming a target of criminal activity. By being aware of your surroundings, you'll be less susceptible to criminal activity. Consider the following best practices for taking public transportation:
Always Stay Alert
It can be tempting to doze off while taking public transportation, but staying alert is the best way to stay safe. Zoning out to check your phone, getting lost in a book, or falling asleep makes you the perfect target for a petty criminal looking to steal a backpack, wallet, or any other personal belongings. Wherever you are when using public transportation, always stay awake and alert.
Keep Control of Your Bags
Just as it is recommended to always keep your bags in your possession at the airport, the same rings true when on public transportation. While it's easy to get tired of having to carry heavy items around on the likes of busses or trains, failing to keep an eye on everything you own means someone may take it. Don't give criminals the opportunity to take your belongings on public transportation. By keeping your bags within reach at all times, you'll be able to make sure nothing goes missing.
Avoid Large Crowds
Crowds come with the territory of public transportation, but an area that is too crowded can quickly become dangerous. Instead of boarding a crowded bus, train, or similar vehicle, wait until the next one. As crowds make it easy for pickpockets to act, it's better to be safe than sorry when taking public transit.
Be Careful When Sharing
Sharing cabs and cars is a good way to save money, but it also increases the chances of interacting with a criminal. Avoid any potentially dangerous situations by never sharing a cab and exercising caution when using ride sharing apps. If possible, set the option to ride alone when using apps like Lyft or Uber.
Crime doesn't have to deter your decision to use public transportation. With the right precautions, you'll be able to safely use the bus, subway, ferry, or similar transportation vehicle to get to your next destination.